To describe Hanoi as “different” would be something of an understatement. In mixology terms, imagine Bangkok, add in Hong Kong, mix them together and then add a couple of Red Bulls and you are getting there. Located just 100 miles from the Chinese border, the capital city of Vietnam takes your breath away – and not just because of the high humidity. It is utterly frenetic and equally fascinating. A metropolis of around 12 million people with eight million scooters. Factor in the near-total absence of traffic lights or pelican crossings along with little or no road markings and you can see the potential problems.
Our guide had a variety of pieces of advice for us during our time in Hanoi but when it came to trying to cross the roads, one was sacrosanct: “Don’t take a step backwards!” No one waits for you so, in order to get to the other side, you step off the pavement and just go for it.
Walk steadily and confidently and the two-wheeled tsunami – along with the odd rickshaw – simply goes around you. By the time you take your next breath, you have arrived on the other side. It looks and sounds totally chaotic but it works, somehow. The scooter horns may be a constant cacophony but unlike here in the UK it does not indicate anger or rage, simply pointing out: “I’m here.”.