Beyond the birds coming off endangered lists, they made headlines recently for finally getting their due as the county's national bird, an oversight left undone in law because the bald eagle was already on the national seal and many thought it already had that status, said Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, who sponsored legislation that Biden signed last month.
Early on, they also removed eggs from nesting birds' nests, replacing them with artificial ones for the eagles to “incubate” while the real eggs were safely hatched outside the nest before being returned, as eaglets for their parents to raise according to Kathy Clark, the head of New Jersey's Endangered and Nongame Species Program.
Jilian Fazio, director of the Essex County Turtle Back Zoo in suburban northern New Jersey, said the zoo rescues a number of birds hit by cars.
This month, New Jersey became the latest state to delist the bald eagle as endangered, citing a remarkable comeback for the creatures associated with strength and independence — and that occupied just a single nest in the state decades ago.
Clark, whose work with the birds spans decades and includes the period when their numbers were so small they lived only in a remote part of the state, said the eagles have taught officials a number of lessons.