Novak continued: “Mindy, as I look around and see all these people from your life who have believed in you from the beginning, I'm just sorry that none of us doubted you, because I know how much more fun that would make this for you.
Kaling later took the podium, calling Novak “an integral part of my family.” “Sometimes I forget that the reason I know him is because we worked together professionally.
“Because in addition to being a brilliant and wildly successful showrunner, an incredible mother-of-three, a deep and caring daughter and friend and mentor to so many, Mindy is also, in her spare time, I assure you, very superficial.”.
Not just names like Mary Tyler Moore and Lucille Ball, but names like H&M and Zara,” Novak quipped.
During the ceremony, Novak celebrated Kaling’s achievement with a heartfelt speech.