Amateur astronomers and beginners will find the Dwarf 3 Smart Telescope useful for capturing shots of the night sky with the help of an iPhone, and get decent results very quickly.
For astronomers wanting to photograph the night's sky, buying a telescope and a camera to attach to it can get pretty expensive pretty quickly.
It's not really a high-resolution sensor, as it can output a 1080p still image or 1080p video at 30fps, complete with a 3.4mm aperture and a 6.7mm focal length, giving a 35mm equivalent of a 44mm lens.
That sensor has a pixel size of 2 microns, 90% bigger than the Dwarf 2's comparative sensor, increasing the light it collects.
While the usual expectation of a telescope is something resembling a tube with lenses, the Dwarf 2 goes for a much flatter approach.