However, he clarified: "We are still explicit that if the industry isn't investing enough in the alternative technologies, and if we're beginning to see a big increase in aviation demand, then the Government would have to introduce additional policies to restrict demand, and one of their policies could be for restricting airport capacity.".
The Climate Change Committee has laid out its latest recommendations for slashing carbon emissions, calling on the Government to aim for an 87% reduction from 1990 figures by 2040, with a specific target for aviation to cut emissions by 17% relative to 2023 levels.
However, Mike Childs, who leads policy at Friends of the Earth, had his reservations: "Rather than championing aviation expansion, the Government should introduce a frequent flyers levy to curb the excessive flights taken by a minority of wealthy people each year, without harming the annual family holiday.".
Climate advisers are sounding the alarm, urging for a tax on flights to rein in the surge of aviation activity as the Government mulls over its airport expansion blueprints.
The committee is adamant that the aviation sector must zero out its emissions by 2050 to align with the UK's overarching climate goals, and insists that the true cost of reducing the industry's pollution footprint should be mirrored in flight pricing.