Full list of 561 postcodes where cold weather payments have been triggered – are you due a cash payout?

Full list of 561 postcodes where cold weather payments have been triggered – are you due a cash payout?
Author: Sam Walker
Published: Jan, 15 2025 14:59

THOUSANDS of households are set to receive £25 in free cash after new Cold Weather Payments were triggered. More than 560 postcodes are in line for payments following the recent cold snap. The payments are made for each seven day period where temperatures fall to zero degrees Celsius or below.

 [A sick woman wrapped in a blue blanket sits on a couch.]
Image Credit: The Sun [A sick woman wrapped in a blue blanket sits on a couch.]

But you have to be on certain benefits to qualify for the free cash which is designed to cover the extra costs of fuel over the winter. The list of postcodes where payments have been triggered since Saturday, January 11, is:. If you live in one of the above postcodes and are eligible for a Cold Weather Payment, you should receive the cash within three weeks.

Payments are made within 14 working days of each cold snap, into the same bank account you receive your qualifying benefit. Cold Weather Payments are made between November 1 and March 31 each winter - a four month window when temperatures are usually coldest across the year.

You’re eligible for a Cold Weather Payment if you live in England, Wales, or Northern Ireland and are in receipt of one of the following benefits:. Depending on your specific circumstances, you may also need to meet one or more of the following additional criteria:.

You can find out more about eligibility on the government's website. It's worth bearing in mind, because payments are made for each seven day period of cold weather, you can sometimes qualify for £50 or even £75 payments, if temperatures stay low for long enough.


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