Of course, it is nothing to do with Miliband himself, who last year rashly promised that he would cut our energy bills by £300 a year by aggressively moving towards zero carbon electricity by 2030.
At the moment we are using gas to make up the gaps, but it is very much more expensive to use gas in this way than it would be if we used gas power stations steadily.
So, no, it isn’t dictators which have lumbered Britain with the highest gas and electricity prices of any member country of the International Energy Agency (IEA).
Yet Britain has already embraced wind and solar more enthusiastically than virtually any other major Western country – only Portugal and Ireland narrowly exceeded the 28.1 per cent of our electricity we generated from wind in 2023.
The real reason we pay an average of 36.39 pence per unit for our electricity while US households pay the equivalent of 12.86 pence is down to failures of UK energy policy.