Landlords forced to improve energy efficiency of homes by 2030 under new plans Landlords will have to meet decent energy efficiency standards in homes they rent out by 2030, under plans put out for consultation by the Government.
The Government is proposing a maximum £15,000 cap beyond which landlords will not have to spend to meet the EPC C rating, with potential for a lower £10,000 cap if renters are charged lower rents or homes are in a lower council tax band.
“These plans will also make sure that all private landlords are investing in their properties, building on the good work of many to upgrade their homes to Energy Performance Certificate C or higher already,” he said.
Energy Secretary Ed Miliband said: “For years tenants have been abandoned and forgotten as opportunities to deliver warm homes and lower energy bills have been disregarded and ignored.”.
The Government said the proposals could save renters £240 a year on average on their energy bills, and lift up to half a million households out of fuel poverty, as they will not have to spend so much heating cold, draughty homes.