Make your iPhone ‘snooper-proof’ with five quick changes – stop nosy people spying on your texts, photos, apps and more
DON'T let the snoopers win – there are simple iPhone tweaks that block nosy people from spying on you. If you're worried that someone might be tempted by a quick snoop on your iPhone, sort it out today. There are five easy iOS changes that you should think about making right now.
You might be surprised by the amount of info that can be accessed from your Lock Screen. Thankfully you can shut down Lock Screen snooping by going into Settings > Face ID & Passcode. Scroll down to the bottom of that settings page and look for the section titled Allow Access When Locked.
That's where you'll be able to limit the types of content that can be accessed even when your iPhone is locked. That includes:. Having them all enabled will make your iPhone easier to use – but it's also better for snoopers too. So try to disable ones that you won't miss too much, and that boost your privacy as a result.
Another essential Lock Screen change is hiding your notifications. You might have your iPhone set up to show previews of notifications even when it's locked. But you can change that an instant by going into Settings > Notifications > Show Previews. Change it to When Unlocked or even Never for maximum privacy.
You can also scroll down to change notification settings for individual apps. That's handy when you want previews from some apps (like news alerts from The Sun) but not from others (for instance, messaging apps like WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger). If you find that you're not happy with newly hidden style of notification, you can always change it back later.