NFL teams scout giant 33-pound baby after mom’s TikTok goes viral
The Detroit Lions and Philadelphia Eagles have shown interest in the five-month-old baby. It’s never too early to plan for the future — just ask the NFL teams already eyeing their next big draft pick: a 33-pound baby with a pacifier in one hand and the potential for a Super Bowl ring in the other.
Earlier this week, content creator and mom Sydney Frost shared a clip of her enormous, five-month-old son, Carson, on TikTok. In the video, which has now garnered over 17.3 million views, Frost poked Carson’s stomach as if she were dialing numbers on her phone to the beat of “Phone Ya” by Claudia.
Within hours, Carson saw his first scout reach out. “You have our attention,” the Detroit Lions team responded on Frost’s video. Meanwhile, the Philadelphia Eagles chimed in to say: “We’ll take this one in 20 years thanks!”. “My husband is 6’3”, and his brothers are 6’8” and 6’9”,” Frost, who is 5’3” told Today. “The broadness comes from my side, though.”.
Despite some concern online, the mom reassured everyone that her son’s health was perfectly fine. In fact, Carson’s pediatrician said his weight is within normal limits considering his other measurements. That said, Carson’s rolls have become somewhat of a phenomenon on TikTok. Frost posted her first video on January 20, asking viewers to guess what diaper size Carson wears as she held him up in front of the camera.