Pappardelle alla Yorkshire? Gourmet producers inspire a boom in British pasta

Pappardelle alla Yorkshire? Gourmet producers inspire a boom in British pasta
Pappardelle alla Yorkshire? Gourmet producers inspire a boom in British pasta
Author: Tomé Morrissy-Swan
Published: Feb, 16 2025 13:00

Summary at a Glance

In January, the supermarket chain Booths launched a new promotion for Northern Pasta, Yorkshire Pasta and Cornwall Pasta.

If you make pasta correctly, you can get that characteristic out of the grain.” She compares high-quality pasta to sourdough bread: “Fresh pasta is seen as superior in England.

Earlier this year, Fine Food Digest magazine ran a survey of shop owners asking them what sold well, and Yorkshire Pasta’s range came third in the pasta category, behind two Italian brands.

Yorkshire Pasta’s owner, Kathryn Bumby, realised there was little available on the market between “naff, yellow, shiny-like-Play-Doh” supermarket pasta and “high-end” product imported from Italy.

Most Britons eat pasta at least once a week and those behind the new British offerings – all of which focus on dried pasta – say there is a growing appetite for locally produced alternatives.


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