Kardach later explained, "Kardach was later quoted as saying, 'King Harald Bluetooth...was famous for uniting Scandinavia just as we intended to unite the PC and cellular industries with a short-range wireless link'.
According to the official Bluetooth brand, the name harks back over a thousand years to King Harald 'Bluetooth' Gormsson, famed for uniting Denmark and Norway in 958.
"Later, when it came time to select a serious name, Bluetooth was to be replaced with either RadioWire or PAN (Personal Area Networking).
The statement elaborates: "The Bluetooth logo is a bind rune merging the Younger Futhark runes (Hagall) (ᚼ) and (Bjarkan) (ᛒ), Harald's initials.".
A curious Reddit user posed the question: "What is Bluetooth and why it is called Bluetooth?".