Tavish Scott, Salmon Scotland chief executive, said: 'Today's record exports demonstrate the increasing global demand for Scottish salmon, which is rightly recognised as the best in the world and increasingly sought after by discerning consumers.
According to Salmon Scotland: 'The new figures come after survival rates on marine salmon farms in Scotland reached a four-year high of 82.3 per cent in 2024 following multi-million-pound tech investments to enhance animal welfare.'.
Using data published by the Scottish Government and disclosed by certain salmon farming companies, the report also analysed the mortality rates, sea lice levels and chemical usage on Scotland's salmon farms.
Scottish Salmon said improvements in farmed salmon survival levels had led to more being available for the export market, helping meet international demand.
According to WildFish, a charity campaigning for wild fish and their environment, farmed salmon is one of the most popular fish in Britain, constituting one of the so-called 'big five' – cod, tuna, prawns, salmon and haddock.