Strictly Come Dancing: week seven results – as it happened
Thanks for watching along with me, everyone. You’re pretty iconic yourselves. Our nifty nine pairings have made it into the contest’s home stretch and now progress to the mercifully un-themed eighth live show, bidding to get through to Blackpool the following week.
It airs next Saturday at 6.35pm on BBC1. Meet you back here to see who’s sizzling and who’s fizzling. In the meantime, you don’t need me to tell you: keeeeeeep dancing! Have a lovely week. Goodnight all. DGPHOK says: “Couples Choice is not ballroom or Latin. It seems to be a bye to the next week. Liked both dance off contestants, such a shame.”.
Belette adds: “You absolutely have to buy in to it being a popularity contest, so if you’ve in a soap or a ‘reality’ TV show you always stand a good chance. No other reason why Pete Wicks’ salsa that wasn’t really a salsa which, bless him, he knew he’d made shed loads of mistakes in and looked bereft at the end, scored rightly the lowest but wasn’t in the dance off. It’s never been a dance competition.”.
Sebnose says: “Floppy dance and bad costume were major contributors to Sam’s demise, I fear.”. ABH2018 adds: “Very sorry to lose Sam and Nikita. I’ve loved them and there were two or three I thought should have gone first. And I agree with Motsi that it’s sad to lose another girl.”.
girlpanic says: “I’m very sad to see either of those couples leave. Neither of them deserved to go this week. Sam definitely could have improved more and I think it was her lack of celebrity compared to some of the others that failed her a bit. Oh well, that’s Strictly!”.