Will Lock, coconvener of the new course and a lecturer in international development and anthropology, says the university is already focusing on a more hands-on approach to environmental study which will be included in the new BA, including use of the university’s campus forest food garden.
It comes after a Future Forum survey found that 72% of 14- 18-year-olds want more relevant and rigorous climate change education, with a demand for more humanities and social sciences-based climate education.
University announces new BA, after survey found most 14- to 18-year-olds want more rigorous climate change education.
As an example, my third year module that I’m teaching at the moment, which is part of the [new] course, is a modular political ecology and environmental justice to disciplines that are really focused on public communication and surfacing injustice stories from around the world.
The university says it will equip students with a blend of expertise in climate politics, activism and environmental human rights.