As far as the stars go, the two signs who are the least likely to have a successful date are Libra and Gemini.
As far as the stars go, the two signs who are the least likely to have a successful date are Libra and Gemini.
She continued: 'This incompatibility, of Libra being all-in on the date, and Gemini turning up late and flustered, makes the pair incompatible for date night.
For instance, the incompatibility of Libra and Gemini means that if they spend the romantic day together, 'they'll have plenty to talk about, but the date itself will struggle to gain momentum', according to the expert.
The astrologer, working with Psychic World, continued: 'This pair is a perfect case of polarity - when two signs are on the exact polar opposites of the Zodiacal wheel born six months apart, they can enjoy romantic compatibility despite being different.