The toxic YouTube influencers Andrew and Tristan Tate have spent years under investigation in Romania on charges of rape and human trafficking, which they deny, Andrew is now wanted by British police over allegations of rape, and both brothers for tax evasion in this country.
It is freedom of speech that reliably seems to galvanise Trumpworld, not the freedom of millions of Europeans to live in peace along Russia’s borders; as the president breezily told his cabinet this week, the erstwhile land of the free will now “have Europe take care of that”.
Their triumphant homecoming to Florida, following reported US diplomatic pressure on the Romanian government to lift its travel ban, sends a signal to aggrieved young men who voted for Donald Trump over Kamala Harris that the president has not forgotten them.
Shortly after Keir Starmer arrived in Washington to fight for the future of Europe, two men who make a mockery of everything he stands for touched down on American soil.
Too bad if the Tate brothers’ release coincided, awkwardly for him, with the arrival of a British prime minister who prides himself on having once prosecuted rapists.