Among those to take umbrage at his remark was Arrested Development writer Bri LeRose, who tweeted: “I will only watch this coward’s Joker movie if Vera Drew re-edits it.” From this throwaway joke ballooned The People’s Joker.
In The People’s Joker, Drew’s Joker dates a problematic trans man styled a la Jared Leto in Suicide Squad.
On the subject of the recent, widely maligned sequel to Joker, last year’s bleak musical Joker: Folie à Deux, Drew is positively effusive.
Not to put myself down, but I think I’m just kind of dumb,” says Vera Drew, the droll, intelligent director-star of The People’s Joker.
“It honestly feels like a major weight off my shoulders, just for how much on a daily basis I get yelled at by people from the UK,” says Drew, speaking to me over video chat from her home in Los Angeles.