Writing in the Journal Officiel, a site that publishes the legislative and regulatory texts of France, it said that, while “terms formed with the English ending core, such as cottagecore, royalcore, Barbiecore, or gorpcore, are widely used to describe a clothing style and, by extension, a lifestyle inspired by idealised vision of a particular universe”, it is preferable to use the word “style”.
Olivia Walsh, an associate professor of French and Francophone studies at the University of Nottingham, says she is not surprised core has now been targeted – but describes concerns about anglicism use as “generally overblown”.
How did a word that stems from the French language (it is derived from the word cœur, meaning heart) come to be so prolific in fashion?.
It’s been five years since the word podcast was replaced with “audio à la demande”, but many French speakers still pepper the original anglicism into speech.
“There are many borrowings which are termed aller-retours because they were originally borrowed into English from French and then back again into French, sometimes centuries later.”.