Let's face it, we all love to travel. Whether it's a city break or long haul trip which promises a lot of sun, sea and sand, it's all exciting. But before you get to enjoy the perks of a holiday abroad, there's the journey on a flight which many might find rather uncomfortable.
Of course, once you're past the security process and find your gate, you finally get to sit comfortably in your seat waiting for take-off, at least you'd hope so. Well often in some cases, your chair might not recline on the flight and there's two reasons why.
American Airlines pilot Steve, who boasts 220,000 followers on TikTok, usually delights fans with interesting knowledge on flight secrets and recently, the frustrating reason cabin crew still go through security. Now in a recent post, he discussed reclining your chair. He said: "You just got back into your seat, you're all comfy, you built your little nest, you put all your electronics away, put all the stuff in the overhead compartment and you're thinking to yourself, it's time to relax, I'm going to recline my seat a little bit.
"So you push that button and the seat won't recline, you push it again and it just won't recline, you're like what in the world is going on? It's one of two things my friends, either you're up in the back row against the bulkhead and that seat isn't going to recline, why because there's a wall behind you. And the other is you're in front of an emergency exit row.".