For the occasions when you’re not using the whole oven, it can be much more energy efficient to use an air fryer: they’re small and heat up quickly, so they are great for when you’re just cooking for one or two people, as it can use up to 50 per cent less energy to cook the same thing.
12 simple ways to cut energy bills and save money at home With the cost of living on the rise, reducing energy bills has never felt more urgent.
For tumble dryers, look for heat pump models: by recycling the hot air that normally gets lost during the drying process, they can use up to 50 per cent less energy than traditional or condenser dryers.
For all the appeal of a long and hot shower in winter, cutting down the length of time you spend in there will not only mean you use less energy heating up the water, but you’ll also reduce your water usage.
If you use a combi boiler in your home, testing how a flow temperature of 55°C or 60°C feels can help you save on energy over time.