Money-saving mum shares how to keep your home warm without turning the heating on
With more cold weather on the way, many will have no choice but to turn up their heating, leaving homeowners worried about their rising energy bills. According to a recent study, 56 per cent of people admit they regret moving into their current home due to rocketing bills, and a quarter (24 per cent) admit they have even considered moving out to reduce their energy bills. With people feeling the pinch this winter, there are steps that can be taken to help keep the heat in, without worrying about racking up an extortionate heating bill.
Money-saving mum Gemma Bird has paired with B&Q to help people keep warm this winter - without even turning the heating on. A survey by the DIY retailer found that the majority of renters said their current home doesn't have features such as draught proofing (79 per cent), efficient lighting (60 per cent) or double glazing (47 per cent) in their homes.
A fifth (19 per cent) have discussed making energy efficiency improvements with their landlord or letting agent, but found they were not receptive. Although making improvements to homes to make them more energy efficient can feel like a daunting task, renters and homeowners don't need to turn to big or drastic solutions to be able to reduce their bills, they just need to get a little savvy with their DIY.
Firstly, Gemma advised people to keep the warmth inside with self-adhesive draught excluders which you can buy from B&Q for £9.97. Heat escapes through gaps in doors and windows, so these draught excluders work well to keep the cold out and keep a cosy temperature indoors without making your heating work harder and cold air coming in.