4 chronic lung conditions that can be worse in winter

4 chronic lung conditions that can be worse in winter
Author: Camilla Foster
Published: Jan, 08 2025 13:25

For individuals with chronic lung conditions, the winter season and the current cold snap poses significant challenges. Asthma. “Asthma is a lung condition that comes and goes, so people might get symptoms one day and not the next,” explains Whittamore. “Symptoms include a cough, breathlessness, wheezing and a tight chest.

“They can be set off by a number of triggers, including viruses, cold weather, exercise, stress, and even hormones, or a combination of those things.”. Many people’s symptoms worsen during the winter period. “We call this an exacerbation or a flare up, when you get increasingly breathless, wheezy, coughing, and sometimes it’s really hard to tell those symptoms apart from the virus or whatever is in the background as well,” says Whittamore.

People with asthma should have a personalised asthma action plan. “In some cases, they’ll be told to increase their inhalers for a little bit, or to start a different treatment at home, but if that isn’t working, then they need to be contacting their GP or practice nurse as soon as possible,” explains Whittamore.

The GP also stresses the importance of taking preventer inhalers regularly. “Take your preventer inhaler regularly, even if you’re feeling well, because it calms down the inflammation in the airways,” advises Whittamore. “Then when things come around, like a virus or infection or cold weather, that inflammation is less likely to rise up and cause them symptoms.
