Roundabout in Sheffield began running hostel accommodation in Sheffield 10 years ago and last year ran out of space for the first time, putting about 15 people in hotels instead, a number that has tripled this year.
Holly and her colleagues at the New Horizon Youth Centre are packing them to give to the young people they now have to turn away every day, as an increasing number of emergency shelters shut their doors.
“Having to make referrals through these supported providers was really the only option we could use for young people,” says Neil Parkinson, co-head of casework at Glass Door, a homeless charity in London that runs a night shelter.
Social housing is in short supply and private rents are too high – Kerry says just one room out of more than 2,000 on in Camden, north London, would be affordable on the reduced benefits available to young people.
New Horizon runs a drop-in centre at King’s Cross, central London, offering help to find housing and work, as well as food and a place to have a shower, do laundry and get warm.