Allow teachers to fine parents over pupils’ bad behaviour, says Tony Blair’s thinktank
Report argues for more powers, but teachers say this could strain already fraught relationships with parents. Ministers should give teachers the power to fine parents if they do not engage with the school to tackle an “epidemic” of bad behaviour, according to the thinktank led by Tony Blair.
Educators should have the same legal powers they have over non-attendance to compel parents to turn up to meetings with the school and agree an action plan for their child, the Tony Blair Institute (TBI) says in a new report. They also say teachers should be able to escalate cases to the police, NHS and social services if they do not.
The report argues that teachers are well placed to spot the warning signs for deeper rooted problems, and that granting them more of a role in safeguarding would give them control over their classroom, improving learning and results for pupils, and addressing the teacher recruitment and retention crisis.
Alexander Iosad, the institute’s director of government innovation, said the report “shows that teachers are powerless and unsupported to tackle a rising epidemic of disruptive and dangerous behaviour”. He said: “We must shift the balance of authority back in favour of teachers and give them the support they need.
“We have heard time and time again about the challenges of teacher retention, yet almost nothing about the hidden crisis driving their exit. For any other career, a safe, non-disruptive environment is the bare minimum.”. However, school leaders fear this could be counterproductive, by increasing pressure on teachers and their workloads, and potentially souring relations between schools and parents. Instead, they urge more funding for social care and other support for struggling families and children.