As mentioned above, a branch is likely to make you think of natural objects such as trees or plants - but the answer can't be this as you've also been told that it doesn't have a trunk, leaves or any fruit on it.
A user on Brainly responded: "Any shop, like it have branch but no fruit , trunk or leaves," while a few people on Reddit gave answers such as 'government', 'software' and 'rivers' that also could be argued as the correct answer.
The full question posted on BuzzFeed asks: 'I have branches, but no fruit, trunk or leaves.
Almost nobody can solve branches riddle but it requires specific approach A tricky brainteaser asks you to guess what something is from a description that's designed to confuse you.
Banks have lots of locations all over the country, known as branches, and they most certainly don't have any trunks, leaves or fruit on them!