Antoinette Lattouf hearing day three: ABC managing director David Anderson to give evidence Five things we’ve learned this week in court.
The Antoinette Lattouf v ABC hearing continues today in Sydney’s federal court with the ABC managing director, David Anderson, the next witness to be called.
Lattouf was taken off-air three days into a five-day casual contract in December 2023 after she posted on social media about the Israel-Gaza war, which the ABC said was a failure to follow a direction from a manager not to post.
Hi, I’m Amanda Meade, media correspondent, I’m watching day three of the Antoinette Lattouf v ABC unfair termination trial today.
Just to bring everyone up to speed, Lattouf was cross-examined for five gruelling hours over two days, here you can read about five things we have learned from her sometimes tense, sometimes tearful testimony.