Aung San Suu Kyi’s son Kim Aris begs for her release from Myanmar prison

Aung San Suu Kyi’s son Kim Aris begs for her release from Myanmar prison
Author: Rachel Clun
Published: Dec, 21 2024 11:07

The son of ousted Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi has pleaded for her release amid fears for her health after four years in a brutal military prison. The son of ousted Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi has pleaded for her release from prison amid fears for the 79-year-old’s health in the country’s “terrible” prisons.

 [Kim Aris is urging Myanmar’s military to release his mother Aung San Suu Kyi from prison, as her health is deteriorating]
Image Credit: The Independent [Kim Aris is urging Myanmar’s military to release his mother Aung San Suu Kyi from prison, as her health is deteriorating]

Kim Aris told The Independent his mother had already been held in prison for too long, and her health was now ailing. “Maymay is frail and in bad health which is why I once again make this heartfelt plea for her to be released,” he said. “Her father died bringing freedom to his country. She has sacrificed so much of her life to give people fundamental human rights.”.

Mr Aris’s plea comes as three former UK foreign secretaries united to demand Ms Suu Kyi’s release, saying she was being held in terrible conditions on trumped up charges and deserved the chance to lead her country in a democracy. In 2015, the figurehead of Myanmar’s democratic movement and Nobel laureate won a remarkable election, but after a few years of an uneasy civil and military government alliance, she was arrested in early 2021 during a coup and is believed to have been held in solitary confinement ever since.

Watch: Cancelled: The rise and fall of Aung San Suu Kyi Documentary on Independent TV. “She has dedicated her life to the cause of freedom and fighting tyranny in her country. For too long she has been held without fair trial – but in all her years of captivity her endeavour to make Myanmar free and democratic has never wavered,” Mr Aris said.


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