Fans of a groundbreaking TV show that aired in the 1990s have been left utterly in awe by a first look at a reboot that’s coming 26 years later. In 1999, the BBC released a six-part documentary series called Walking with Dinosaurs, which was originally narrated by Kenneth Brannagh.
Now a quarter of a century later, the programme is set to return with each episode telling ‘the dramatic story of an individual dinosaur’ in a stunning reimagining. Ahead its launch this year, the broadcaster has unveiled a first look at what it will look like – and it’s safe to say, viewers have been left in awe.
Three new images show two different types of dinsoaurs – the albertosaurus, a relative of the T-Rex; and the pachyrhinosaurus, a relative of the plant-eating triceratops. In one picture, a baby pachyrhinosaurus appears to be nuzzling with its mother in a scene that looks like it could’ve been taken from a Sir David Attenborough nature documentary.
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video. Up Next. In another, three albertosaurus walk side-by-side, their cunning faces illuminated while surrounded by trees in a forest.
The third image shows a close-up of one of the dinosaur’s faces in incredible detail, right down to the glint in their eye and every last curve of their face. ‘They look amazing. 🦖,’ Antoine commented on X in response to the pictures. ‘Man they look so beautiful,’ Francesco remarked, while Venator added: ‘Oh Hell yes! Featuring Albertosaurus, my fav! ❤️.’.