In Dayni's case, one funeral director was investigated by their trade body, the National Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors (SAIF), and found to have breached standards.
'Bloody, bloated, battered and bruised': Woman's mother left unrecognisable after treatment by unregulated funeral directors Two years ago, Dayni suffered the sudden and unexpected loss of her mother, Janice.
Desperate for help, Dayni asked another funeral director to step in and take over the care of her mother's body.
Lindesay Mace, of the charity Quaker Social Action, said: "Most funeral directors provide good care, but the lack of regulation means there are no mandatory training requirements, no particular standards for facilities, and no oversight of premises.".
Instead, they commissioned a report from an independent embalmer, seen by Sky News, which points the finger of blame at the second funeral director.