The Sky comedy series Brassic will be coming to an end after its upcoming seventh season. Created by Joe Gilgun and Danny Brocklehurst, the series first hit screens in 2019 and followed Vinnie O’Neill (Gilgun) and his friends in the fictional northern English town of Hawley.
Making their way by committing petty crimes, some of the group start to question if there might be more to life as they get older and consider what opportunities await them outside their hometown. The series also stars Michelle Keegan as Erin Croft, Damien Molony as Dylan Golding and Tom Hanson as Leslie ‘Cardi’ Titt.
Another five seasons have since been released, with the last airing in 2024. Although the seventh season is currently in production, with the stars spotted on set earlier this month, the creators have now confirmed they’ve decided to call time on the show.
‘When Joe Gilgun and I sat down to create Brassic, we couldn’t have imagined, in our wildest dreams, that we would do seven series and gather such a loyal and loving fan base,’ Danny said. ‘It’s been a complete joy to create this eccentric world, but all good things must come to an end, and we want to stop while we are still riding high. Maybe they can finally give us that BAFTA,’ he added.
The show has not been axed by Sky, with the broadcaster pointing to the achievements of Brassic as it’s most successful comedy ever. ‘Fans very quickly became attached to this dynamic group of friends, as they found unconventional ways to win at life in northern suburbia,’ a spokesperson also said.