ITV viewers said a reluctant farewell to ‘one of the best crime dramas ever’ Vera after 14 years. The second part of the show’s last episode saw Vera, played by Brenda Blethyn, on the trail of a missing teenager named Chloe, which led her to a high-stakes confrontation during a witch hunt festival in a village linked to her past.
As the detective and her team worked on the case, she experienced flashbacks to her childhood which showed the relationship between a young Vera, played by Marley Emma, and her father, Hector Stanhope, played by Stevie Raine. On X, viewers described the conclusion as ‘perfect’ and expressed their relief it did not have an overly ‘dramatic’ ending that would not have been faithful to the series.
@rosecoloredchar said: ‘Saying a tearful goodbye to another consistently brilliant tv show and an iconic British character tonight is so sad. There is no other like #Vera. The best of the best and it is going to be missed so much in my house.’. @MICHAELR8745 lamented: ‘ITV can’t just let go of one of the best crime dramas ever. #Vera #itv.’.
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video. Up Next. Echoing their sentiment, @GregInBytes said: ‘Thank you @BrendaBlethyn for your portrayal of #Vera Stanhope over the years… a character that joins Morse, Cadfael, Frost, Tom Barnaby and so many other beloved TV detectives in the hearts of crime drama fans. Perfect ending.’.