"These should include the abolition of the use of short, fixed-term recalls of 28 days or less; the removal of post-sentence supervision for people serving short sentences; and a transition towards more effective community-based solutions through the introduction of a presumption against short prison sentences.”.
Britain’s jail crisis deepens as number of lags being recalled to prison hits record high A RECORD number of lags are being recalled to prison in another damning sign that the justice system is failing.
“The evidence is clear, short prison sentences are less effective than other community sentences at reducing crime, and the growing use of recall is trapping people in the criminal justice system, rather than supporting them out of it.
The recall figures, published by the Prison Reform Trust, particularly highlight those on short sentences of fewer than 12 months, with almost 10,000 offenders sent back to jail.
Chief executive of the Prison Reform Trust Pia Sinha said the findings showed changes were needed in Britain’s jails and called for an end to short recalls.