British man admits stabbing partner to death in Italy
Michael Whitbread, 75, on trial in Lanciano for murder of fellow Briton Michele Faiers, 66, in October 2023. A British man living in Italy has admitted stabbing his partner to death, claiming he did it after she accused him of cheating on her. Michael Whitbread, 75, told a court he could not remember how many times he stabbed fellow Briton Michele Faiers, 66, in October 2023.
The couple had been living in a renovated cottage in Verratti, a remote village in Abruzzo, at the time of the killing, the Times reported. Whitbread fled the scene and drove back to the UK but his daughter alerted police to his whereabouts when Faiers’s body was discovered. He was extradited to Italy for the trial.
In his first statement on Friday, the former diving instructor from Torquay alleged Faiers had accused him on having an affair over several months after she saw him patting a woman’s bottom at a party in 2022. Whitbread, who has denied cheating, told the courthouse in Lanciano that the couple would have violent arguments about the incident. “It was an odd clip round the head, then it got worse.”.
He said that on the evening of 28 October 2023, Faiers woke him and started hitting him, saying: “I wish you were dead.”. Whitbread said he took a knife from the kitchen, gave it to her and said: “Kill me. I have had enough.”. “It was after ten months of being accused of something I did not do,” he continued.