Mohammed Fahir Amaaz, 20, of Rochdale, Greater Manchester, is alleged to have assaulted Pc Zachary Marsden and Pc Lydia Ward, causing them actual bodily harm.
He is also accused of the assault of Pc Ellie Cook in the same incident at the terminal’s car park paystation and the assault of Abdulkareem Ismaeil, a member of the public, said to have taken place earlier at a nearby Starbucks cafe.
Muhammad Amaad, 25, from Rochdale, is also alleged to have assaulted Pc Marsden, causing actual bodily harm.
Footage of the fracas at the airport’s Terminal Two building on July 23 last year was widely shared online.
On Thursday, both men, from Tarnside Close, appeared at Liverpool Crown Court where they entered not guilty pleas.