Something Special, hosted by Mr Tumble - real name Justin Fletcher - was first broadcast in 2003, and has followed a similar structure in the decades since, with Mr Tumble always the star of the show.
They added: “At the start of each episode, Mr Tumble sends his Spotty Bag and Tumble Tapp to one of his presenter friends – Justin, Maddie or Ben.
She wrote: “Last year I was lucky to be part of something special… THE ‘Something Special,’ now in its 14th series, starring the much loved Mr Tumble and Justin Fletcher!”.
The presenter takes the Spotty Bag to meet some children and together they uncover Mr Tumble's special clues, learn new Makaton signs, and explore, play and have fun together.”.
On the BBC website, the broadcaster revealed: “The new series will see two additional presenters joining the much-loved Mr Tumble and Justin Fletcher.