M&S will also have a bouquet of a dozen red roses for £30 and a display of speciality spray roses, striking pink and bi-colour roses, as well as large-headed avalanche white roses for £20.
Cheapest place to buy Valentine’s Day roses including Lidl, Asda and Tesco FOR many, nothing says I love you like a bouquet of red roses - but these beautiful flowers can come with a hefty price tag.
Here's where you can find the cheapest roses to delight your Valentine this year... Asda will be offering roses from just £1.97 this Valentine's Day, so expect a crowd around the flower display.
Meanwhile, a bunch of 19 foundation roses in a mixture of shades with a heart decoration is £15 and a bouquet featuring multi-headed delicate spray roses in shades of pink, cerise and red will be £20.
Tesco has a huge variety of blooms available this Valentine's Day with a single red rose available from £2.50 and a dozen roses from £5.