They additionally shared a screenshot of the “relevant passage from book 10,” which reads: “And Meroiones gave to Odysseus a bow and a quiver and a sword, and about his head he set a helm wrought of hide, and with many tight-stretched thong was it made stiff within, while without the white teeth of a boar of gleaming tusks were set on this side and that.”.
“The Iliad literally describes Odysseus wearing a kino leather helmet adorned with boar tusks, but Hollywood can never resist the siren song of the generic ancient broom helmet.
Another concurred: “The Odyssey is set during the age of heros (aka the Mycenaean period) some time around 1200 BC and so the helmets would have been of the boar tusk style, not the corinthian style.
Christopher Nolan’s forthcoming adaptation of Homer’s epic poem The Odyssey is already facing criticism for rewriting history.
Christopher Nolan’s new epic has released a first look at Matt Damon’s Odysseus character.