Marius Gustavson, who is from Norway but lived in Finsbury Park, north London, made £300,000 from selling videos of himself castrating men and removing other body parts including limbs.
Edward, a non-binary client of Gustavson, came forward to claim they have an 'enduring sense of gratitude to Gustavson' for helping them remove their testicles and penis.
On one occasion when Gustavson cooked human testicles which were then plated to be eaten and kept other body parts as trophies in his freezer.
Elsewhere speaking Daniel, another client of Gustavson, who asked him for a penectomy which is the surgical removal of a penis, Theroux wanted to find out what the allure of amputation and body disfigurement was for these men.
The knife used by Damien Byrnes, 36, from Tottenham, north London, to remove the penis of Marius Gustavson.