The colleague told the inquest in Salisbury that this lack of action meant that when Beck received a string of unwanted romantic messages from her immediate boss, Bdr Ryan Mason, she felt she could not report him as she didn’t want to be seen as “that girl” who constantly put in complaints.
Another colleague said Beck considered the letter of apology from Webber “pathetic” and he told the inquest he felt that her complaint had been “brushed under”.
One colleague of Gunner Jaysley Beck confirmed at her inquest he was “incensed” that Warrant Officer Class 1 Michael Webber was only subject to a “minor sanction” after he allegedly pinned the teenager down and tried to kiss her during an adventure training exercise.
Bdr Braddon Haigh told the inquest that Beck had described the letter of apology from Webber as “pathetic”.
Young said that when Beck told him about Mason’s behaviour towards her, which she considered “psychotic and possessive” he encouraged her to report him.