DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Why Chinese spy must be unmasked?
When a suspected foreign spy manages to infiltrate the highest echelons of the British establishment, it must surely be in the national interest for that person’s identity to be exposed. Publicising their name and picture could jog memories and encourage people to come forward with fresh information, giving the security services a fuller picture of their activities and connections.
It would also reinforce the message that espionage is not merely the stuff of cheap thrillers. It is happening in this country right now and we can’t afford to lower our guard. So why has the Chinese ‘businessman’ known as H6, who rubbed shoulders with prime ministers, captains of industry and royalty, been provided with the cloak of legal anonymity?.
This man visited Downing Street, Buckingham Palace and Windsor. He even attended the 60th birthday of Prince Andrew, to whom he was both confidant and business partner. MI5 now say H6 is an agent of the Chinese state and a threat to national security, which is why he has been banned from re-entering the UK.
Most British media organisations know exactly who he is and elsewhere in the world his name and photograph are in wide circulation. But not here. The Special Immigration Appeals Court ordered his anonymity to be lifted after he lost his case. MI5 headquarters in London. The security agency now say H6 is an agent of the Chinese state and a threat to national security, which is why he has been banned from re-entering the UK.