Dancing On Ice 2025 fans devastated after ‘absymal’ first elimination
The first celebrity was eliminated from ITV reality show Dancing On Ice tonight. Hollyoaks actress Chelsee Healey, 36, became emotional as Holly Willoughby and Stephen Mulhern announced she was going home. In a brutal twist, Chelsee was immediately sent packing rather than performing in a skate-off as per previous years.
The format change was introduced reportedly to ease the strain off the celebrities who would have prepared a separate routine for the showdown. Struggling to hold back the tears, Chelsee turned to her partner Andy Buchanan and said: ‘I feel, personally, there’s been a lot going on with me that I’ve been struggling with, so I couldn’t completely focus.
‘I’m just really grateful, I’ve had the best time.’. To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video. Up Next. On X, the soap star’s fans were devastated by her departure with @tvreality93 complaining: ‘No way Chelsea deserves to go first ugh #dancingonice.’.
@wildpartydude wrote: ‘Poor Chelsee Healey being first to get voted off how dare you viewers.#DancingOnIce.’. Echoing their sentiment, @hollyoaks26 wrote: ‘Chelsee did not deserve to go already #DancingOnIce.’. @HausofDylan95 added: ‘My interest in the series now Chelsee has gone. Abysmal show #DancingOnIce.’.
Chelsee and Andy ended up at the bottom of the leaderboard last week with a score of 22 after the first batch of contestants had performed. After the remaining celebrities competed on Sunday, she found herself in the bottom two against comedian Josh, who picked up a score of 20.5 earlier in the night for his routine.