The process of ordering your flower beds is simple – you start by choosing a theme, from evergreen Mediterranean-inspired shrubs to flowers inspired by a classic English garden, and there’s even one designed especially if you want to do it with children.
The Dig Club pack contains a plant list, which details easily digestible information about the plants within your flower bed, so you can look knowledgeable when showing people around.
In our Mediterranean bed, we received a range of hardy plants, including an evergreen olive tree, feathergrass and dwarf mountain pine; all of which worked together to create high impact.
You’ll then input the dimensions of your bed or planter and identify the setting (whether the plants will be in the sun or shade; if one or both sides will be visible and if it’s in the ground or raised).
The plants arrived individually numbered and colour-coded for easy identification, and we were surprised at how full of life each one looked.