Dozens of Lords defend Tory peer who called colleague ‘Lord Poppadom’
Catherine Meyer may receive three week suspension, which her defenders say goes against ‘principles of natural justice’. Dozens of members of the House of Lords have signed a letter protesting about the treatment of Catherine Meyer, the Conservative peer who is facing suspension for calling a British-Asian peer “Lord Poppadom” and touching an MP’s braids without permission.
The Tory peer Michael Forsyth and the cross-bencher Ruth Deech are among 27 members who signed a letter to the Telegraph on Tuesday complaining that Meyer’s punishment did not “adhere to the principles of natural justice”. A report published by the House of Lords conduct committee last week found Meyer referred to Navnit Dholakia, a Liberal Democrat peer, as “Lord Poppadom” twice during a visit to Rwanda this year with the joint committee on human rights (JCHR). The same report found she also touched the braids of the Labour MP Bell Ribeiro-Addy without getting permission first.
Meyer’s colleagues, however, said she had been treated unfairly. According to the Telegraph they wrote: “The commissioner decides whether or not to investigate, carries out the investigation and decides, like a judge, what the consequences should be. The accused person may be accompanied at the investigation by a legal adviser, but the latter may not speak for them.
“There is no entitlement to cross-examination, even when the facts are disputed and occurred a long time ago. The allegation needs to be proved only on a balance of probabilities. There is no provision for all documents to be made available to both sides.”.