Enron Egg parody unveils world’s first ‘at-home’ nuclear reactor and baffles internet
The Enron Egg is the latest in a series of satirical announcements from the newly-revamped company. Enron has announced the “Enron Egg”, a micro-nuclear reactor that the newly reformed company claims can power homes for a decade. The only catch is that the parody company’s “revolution in energy”, which comes complete with a highly-produced launch video, appears to be just an elaborate joke.
Still, the shiny, white “Enron Egg” is allegedly available for pre-order, Enron said, calling it the world’s first “micro-nuclear reactor made to power your home.” Interested parties would just need to submit their email addresses to subscribe to the newsletter and “be the first to know when we launch.”.
The miraculous egg, which is presented as “nuclear you can trust,” would be provided to FEMA’s rapid response teams, he said. It could power a home for as long as a decade. “All of this made possible by the Enron mining division, which has been sourcing the proprietary enronium ore, which I think you’ll agree has unlocked a new atomic age,” said Gaydos.
The video also featured Enron’s purported Chief Technology Officer Daniel Wong, who was reportedly responsible for the design of the egg. Wong touted the egg’s extreme heat resistance which is made possible by its “advanced enronium [isotope] casing.”.