Everyone can see the fruit but you have 20/20 vision if you can spot the lemon in less than 5 secs in this brain teaser
THIS is the fruity brainteaser that challenges you to spot the lemon hidden in the assortment of other fruits. Everyone can see the apples, pears and oranges chillin' out like nobody's business, but only those with 20/20 vision and a high IQ can spot the hidden yellow intruder in five seconds.
This puzzle will remind you of the last time you saw a bunch of fruit trying to act natural after being discovered. It is one thing to see apples fraternizing with pears, but it is truly shocking to see oranges in the same room after the incident. It seems the fruit population has overcome the crippling construct of segregation.
But we will never know if they've learnt to accept themselves for who they really are. One thing is the same, though, apples are the slobs of the fruit kingdom. It is unknown why they think leaving their friends' cores lying around is appropriate. Readers are advised not to copy this behaviour.
This teaser is tough because of the number of yellow fruits that aren't lemons there to distract you. The variety of colours also makes this difficult. The key to this one is to try and ignore the other fruits that can't be the one you're looking for. Are you ready, because the clock is ticking!.
If you're struggling, a hint would be to pay attention to the shapes of the fruit too, not just the colours. People who are able to solve the puzzle quickly possess good observational skills and high cognitive speed. It tests your ability to process a high volume of visual information and the ability to concentrate under high amounts of pressure.