Evil twins? Identical siblings who tried to escape justice for their crimes by blaming their lookalike relatives - and one who succeeded!
Does having a twin mean you can commit the perfect crime? Twins share DNA which creates a headache for police who can narrow an offence down to two suspects, but have no idea which one committed the crime. Identical twins share genes, most identifying marks and are always the same sex as they come from the same fertilized egg in the womb.
And often twins who get in trouble blame their sibling to try and make it harder for the police to convict them. Some may throw their brother or sister under the bus to protect themselves, others as a team effort and some make up that they even have a twin.
MailOnline reveals some of the most famous cases where evils twins tried to escape justice by blaming their same-look sibling:. Javell Hall was convicted of murder at the Old Bailey, despite trying to blame his brother. In 2021, rapper Javell Hall tried to blame his identical twin for stabbing a new father in north London.
Rail worker Asante Campbell, 24, was stabbed to death by a group of men on an estate in Hendon on February 29, 2019. Incriminating DNA evidence matching the profile of Javell Hall, then-18, was found on the sheath of a knife. The attack took place through Mr Campbell's car window as waited to meet a colleague.
When asked about the knife, Hall said: 'I never touched that knife. If it's not mine it must be his [twin brother's].'. Hall was convicted of murder given a life sentence, with a minimum prison term of 19 years. Dean Kaboleh tried to claim his 'big-eared brother' was the man who masturbated in front of a child.