Experts warn seasonal favourites could pose a 'serious threat' to dogs
With the Christmas chocolates already doing the rounds, a study has revealed that dogs are 75 per cent more likely to need veterinary care for ingesting harmful foods at this time of year. Filled with indulgent treats, the festive period can pose a serious threat to pets who may be curious about what’s left on the table or chucked away in the bin. With this in mind, experts are urging pet owners to be vigilant about which foods are accessible to their pets as we enjoy treating ourselves.
According to the team at Digital Agency, certain Christmas foods can cause significant health issues if they are accidentally consumed by your four-legged friend. READ MORE: Jamie Oliver's pigs in blankets recipe must be tried this Christmas. To help keep your best friends safe this Christmas, here is a list of five foods you should keep away from pets, as well as tips for ensuring a safe holiday for your fur babies.
Everyone loves an advent calendar, especially those filled with chocolate and other edibles. To ensure you dog doesn't take a fancy to your daily deliciousness, pet specialists suggest keeping them up high, out of reach from furry friends. The common holiday treat but can be dangerous to pets due to the theobromine in chocolate.
Theobromine is a stimulant that affects a dog's central nervous system and heart. Toxicity levels range between the different types of chocolates; dark is the most dangerous, followed by milk and white. If either is ingested you should contact a vet immediately. Experts recommend keeping the packaging, so you can report exactly what they’ve eaten and how much.