At the heart of the case seems to be the question of whether Lattouf was given a directive by ABC bosses not to post on social media, which she then breached by sharing a Human Rights Watch post on Instagram, or if it was merely suggested to her that she “keep a low profile” on social media, as Lattouf recalled it in court.
Neil spent a long time quizzing Lattouf on exactly what she remembers being said to her by Elizabeth Green, the ABC manager whom Lattouf says spoke to her about complaints the ABC had received about her.
“She has courted media attention, in part focusing on conduct about which she now complains,” he told the court, adding that Lattouf’s claim she had suffered hurt and distress as a result of the ABC’s conduct “needs to be evaluated sceptically against the use she has made of that conduct”.
Five things we’ve learned this week from Antoinette Lattouf’s alleged unfair dismissal case against the ABC Journalist was cross-examined for five gruelling hours over two days, recounting heavier drinking habits and tearful conversations.
Lattouf said she had told Green: “I just shared a Human Rights Watch post like we agreed” and had asked her: “how do you make starvation balanced?”.