Guardian and Observer charity telethon drives donations beyond £500,000
Journalists including Marina Hyde, John Crace and Polly Toynbee took donations from generous readers during our annual charity appeal telethon. Donate to our charity appeal here. Generous Guardian and Observer readers gave £57,000 over the phones during our annual charity appeal telethon for charities supporting the victims of war and conflict, with the overall total hitting more than £500,000.
A 46-strong roster of journalists including Marina Hyde, John Crace, Polly Toynbee, Zoe Williams, Gaby Hinsliff, Jonathan Freedland, Felicity Cloake, Tim Dowling and Peter Bradshaw chatted to and took donations from more than 500 readers during the eight-hour event on Saturday.
The 2024 appeal is raising money for three charities: Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and War Child, which do frontline work in war zones across the world – including in Gaza and Ukraine – and Parallel Histories, which helps schools teach sensitive and controversial histories such as those of Northern Ireland, Israel and Palestine.
The appeal total stood at £508,000 on Sunday morning, just over a week into the appeal. More than 5,000 readers have donated so far. The appeal continues into the new year. Katharine Viner, the Guardian’s editor-in-chief, introducing the appeal, said: “We ask you to support the Guardian and Observer appeal in a spirit of optimism and defiance, as a signal of commitment to peace, human rights and social justice, and as a gesture of solidarity with the millions of people whose lives and livelihoods have been destroyed through war and violence.”.